Thursday 19 September 2013

Front Cover

Here is my front cover which I created earlier this year:

Before beginning this task we were instructed to go around the school in a small group and take photographs, the photos could be people casually talking, walking or working around the school or posing deliberately in order to capture a perfect shot. The main colours which I used for my magazine were blue, yellow, black, white and purple. I used these colours due to the fact the school logo consists of yellow and blue, the school jumpers are black, the polo shirts are white and the purple was used in order to lighten the page up slightly. I didn't cut out the main image because I felt that using the school surroundings would give the magazine more of a school aspect and atmosphere which I felt was appropriate for the magazine cover. I enlarged my main image so that it fit the whole page and stood out which is a common convention with magazines. I also applied the common conventions of using the school website and twitter on the cover in order for people to look further into the school and find out more information which they wish to receive. Certain words on my magazine are highlighted and outlined which makes them stand out which interests the reader and draws their attention so they will instantly be drawn to the magazine.

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